First show: Amos And Andy Go To The Lawyers Office 06-29-1929 - Amos and Andy go to the lawyer's office, riding the elevator, checking out the fancy fixtures in the…
Features: Clark Gable, Adolf Menjou, and Josephine Hutchinson. Cecil B DeMill recounts the events of 20 years earlier, and the outbreak of involvement of America in the Great War. It…
At the town meeting, Fibber was designated angel of mercy to visit people in the hospital. Mirt the phone operator tells about a relative, and his horse. The call goes…
It's Christmas season on the streets of Summerfield as Leroy has fun sliding across the ice on the sidewalk. He and Gildersleeve walk down the sidewalk and talk about their…
Homicide Detail. A corpse has been found in the hospital elevator and it's up to Joe Friday to identify the body and find the killer. Working the night watch with…
Playing to the military crowd at the Birmingham hospital, Jack, Don, and Mary tailor their jokes to life on the post. Jokes about doctors, and medicine are a theme. Phil…
A busy contractor is examined by Dr Kildare, but doesn't have time for the extensive tests the medical men need to make a good diagnosis. The doctors convince him his…
After opening ad libs, and honors for Skinny Ennis, Bob lets the audience know they are about to hear a preview of his upcoming show. ,, Bob "Broadcasting for the…
Robbery Detail. On a lonely street, a man is robbed, and his car stolen. Joe Friday and Ben Romero go to a high-rise department store to interview Harvey. He describes…
Sponsor: Chase and Sanbourne. Announcer: Ken carpenter. Host: Francis Langford and Spike Jones. Playlist: Francis Langford, I Should Care. Francis, Spike, and Ken talk about girls and recovering soldiers in…