This week in Pine Ridge – the Oilwell. January 4- 9, 1935 (Retro 691)

Lum and Abner montage, square.
Artwork commissioned from Donnie Pitchford.

Featuring a full week in Pine Ridge. Keith introduces the shows by sharing a few tidbits of news items that also occurred elsewhere in the world.

Sponsored by Horlicks, when you’re feeling sick, it makes you well, children love it.

Recently Mr. Carter came to town to buy the oil well the gents drilled. An agreement has been reached, but has yet to be signed. Abner has trouble understanding what royalties are, and how much the oil dwell will produce.

Lum and Abner plan on how to spend their money, living high on the hog. Hiring servants, eating out in restaurants every night, and more.

Dick Huddleston pops in, and Lum talks about his contract he wants the oil company to agree to. The deal makes Dick regret not going in with Lum and Abner when he had the chance. When McCarter returns so quickly, Lum is surprised to learn the owner of the Southwest Oil company lives right here in Pine Ridge.

A Horlicks drama, mom is excited about her visitors. She tells them how Horlicks brought her sick baby back to health.
Lum and Abner – Squire Skimp President of SW Oil. 350107

Sponsored by Horlicks: nourishing, easy to digest, a fine weight control lunch for overweight people.

The Southwest Oil company is no more. Lum and Abner are surprised to learn they just sold their holdings in the oil well to their rival Squire Skimp. Today, we find them at Lum’s house, explaining the matter to Dick Huddleston. They may not trust Squire, but at least they have a solid contract to free them of responsibility, while still receiving their share of the profits.

Dick Huttleston gets Abner confused over what an auditor does. Abner is still confused, though Lum is pretty uncertain himself.

Grandpap stops in and turns the talk towards the new oil well. A business meeting is called to order. The treasurers report reveals that with all the bills from their initial income, it pretty much wipes out the newly formed Pine Ridge oil company.

Horlicks drama: A couple are walking home and talk about the party they have just came from where they served that delicious chocolate malted drink. Just right to hit the spot, and not keep you up all night.

What kind of stuff is this “Horlick’s”? If it’s the wonder product of the universe, where can I get some? Do they still sell it? For answers to these questions either stay tuned to the Lum and Abner channel, right here on the Retro Radio Podcast.

Lum and Abner – Squire Receives a Visit. 350108

Horlicks, a rich, cool, refreshing flavor that you won’t get tired of. It builds strong bones, and is even good for kids.

After learning they sold out to Squire Skimp, the gents are feeling cheated, especially after settling up all the bills and coming up short. Today, Lum has returned from the county seat to visit Abner in his home. All their royalty income will be velvet, a word that gets Abner a little confused. There seems to be a man in town to see the president of the oil company. With a little regret, Lum and Abner find themselves out of the loop of the big wheelers and dealers.

Despite their investments, the gents haven’t seen any of the payoff yet, and our heroes have empty pockets to match their empty stomachs. When Squire offers to trade the oil well back, Lum and Abner are inclined to make the deal, if it weren’t for a timely visit from Dick Huttleston.

Horlick get praise from mom’s everywhere for having the flavor kids love, and for the handy packaging for convenience.

PS: If this Horlicks stuff was so great, why isn’t it still around… or is it?

Lum and Abner – Pine Ridge Oil Boom is Over. 350109

Horlicks, when you are most susceptible to disease and sickness, just drink a cup of hot Horlicks to feel your best.

The word is out, the oil well was really a broken pipeline. As the guys return to reality, they laugh at how their imaginations ran wild. Life in Pine Ridge soon returns to its usual quietness. As Lum talks smugly how Squire is left holding the bag over the oil well fiasco, he realizes that he can’t find the contract he signed that releases him from responsibility.

Horlicks drama: Two moms chat and brag over all the health benefits of Horlicks.


  1. Keith

    nice, as long as it is not too big to see the show notes or player.

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