Lux Radio Theater – A Farewell To Arms (Clark Gable). ep127, 370405

Features: Clark Gable, Adolf Menjou, and Josephine Hutchinson. Cecil B DeMill recounts the events of 20 years earlier, and the outbreak of involvement of America in the Great War. It sets the stage for the story of brave men, and lost lovers.

The sounds of battle rages as Clark and Adolph are ambulance drivers. Despite the chaos of war, the bombings, the air raids, and situations forced on humanity, Clark and Adolpf fall for the same English nurse, and try to win her over. With Adolph on a wild goose chase it looks like Clark is getting the gal.

As love grows, the ideals of a romantic war are blown to bits. Clark is to go off to the front lines, but will his luck hold out? Will his parting be the last he sees of his new love? The cavalier Clark is hit badly by shell fragments, and his friend see’s him safely to his hospital bed. It’s his million dollar wound that gets him off front line duty, and transfered to the same hospital where his new gal, Katherine has also been transfered to.

They even go so far as to have a marriage in the hospital, something that is highly against regulation, and could get Katherine booted from her job. They now have to keep up a secret relationship, which gets a bit difficult when she becomes pregnant. When Clark recovers enough, he reports back to his front line unit, and Katherine runs away to Switzerland to have her baby in a land far from the war torn landscape.

Commercial time. While apart, both write diligently but neither are getting the others letters. Little does Clark know that his letters are being intercepted by Adolf, when Adolf perceives that a woman has come between the friendship he and Clark once had. The worried Clark leaves his post in search of his woman. Meanwhile, she is just as upset when her letters have been returned, and believes that Clark has been killed in action.

Seeing his friends agony over not hearing from Katherine, Adolph comes clean about the letters, and though he knows his friend will leave the front line and war, and never come back, he tells him where to find Katherine.

Once there though, it’s too late, she has moved on, or at least that’s the word he is given when Clark is intercepted. He gets to her side just in time for the child to be born, but there are complications with the birth. Though she is weak, they come together to tell their stories of the missed letters and their concerns, then the tragic ending to the romance.