Jack comes out with compliments on Johnny Greens performance. Then a telegram arrives for Jack from a fan. The mother wants to learn more about Jack's life, so it will…
Spring is in the air, and Don gives Jack a flowery introduction. Mary is on hand with a poem about Spring. Mary and Jak talk about... Kenny's underwear? In appreciation…
Broadcast from Baltimore Important people are in the audience, and drop in for a visit. Mary and Kenny enter to swap jokes about the city and each other. Johnny's joke…
Don welcomes Jack with a birthday greeting, which sets the tone for the rest of the show. Jack admits to finally reaching 40. Even the audience has a birthday greeting…
Mary talks with Jack about being at the Navy base as they drive to their destination. Remember that Jack's Maxwell had previously been donated to the war effort. The car…
We travel to Jack's house, where we find Rochester and Jack in the back yard at pool side. Mary joins the fun, and complains about being charged to swim. Larry…
As a new year begins, Jack and his cast flashback to their trip to the Rosebowl game. Going against his stingy character, Jack surprises everyone when he springs for the…
Entertaining for Army troops, Jack and Don layer on the military related jokes, and those related to military customs. Phil Harrisshows his humorous side as he talks about his new…
Don Wilson takes us to Jack's house, where Rochester gets a breakfast ready for his boss. Phil Harris drops in and when the radio is tuned in, Frank Nelson, Mel…