Jack Benny – Little Nell. 360322

Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone and Don Wilson posing for a photo in 1938.

Broadcast from Baltimore Important people are in the audience, and drop in for a visit. Mary and Kenny enter to swap jokes about the city and each other. Johnny’s joke goes nowhere, except into a commercial. He begins to play, but the tune is snipped.

The play starts. Little Nell, or Why Gals Leave Home. Jack and his wife, played by Mary Kelley, try to get their daughter Nell to leave home. Little Nell, played by Mary Livingston, is just content in her life to want to leave, or get married. Suitors come and go, elopements won’t work. Jack is so eager, he’s holding the ladder for her callers. Finally it happens, Nell is ready. What could it ever be that causes her to go? Listen to this short episode and find out.

Audio is rough and gets off to a skippy start. The show is short due to songs being cut, and probably a few other bits, not to mention the skips continue throughout the show.

Not the best recording, but I do love the play, and Jack’s efforts to get rid of Little Nell.