Jack Benny – How Jack Found Don. ep550, 450506

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone on the set of their radio show in 1942.

We travel to Jack’s house, where we find Rochester and Jack in the back yard at pool side. Mary joins the fun, and complains about being charged to swim. Larry Stevens sings, More of You.

Phil enters, but turns down the job as life guard. Instead he announces a celebrity night at the club where he has been playing. Phil plays some transitioning music, Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby.

Joe Kearns the newspaper reporter is back. This time he wants the story of how Jack and Don met. Flashback time. Jack claims to have been sponsored by a corset company, and with Mary and Phil he goes to talk with the sponsor. None of which is close to true, but makes for funny jokes. In interviewing announcers, Mel Blanc tries out a few voices including Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, and his hiccupping voice. What was it about Don that caught Jack’s attention over other announcers? Listen and learn. It may not be true, but it’ll at least be entertaining.

Larry is back for another song, Over and Over Again.