Candy runs into her friend, police detective Ray Mallard on the movie set that is getting ready to shoot on location near her house. Take an audio glimpse behind the…
A resident at the Alamo Hotel, Mr. Bowlin, is found dead in his room. Bixby and Liz, the hotel clerk and maid tell Jase Pearson all they know about the…
A reworked script, similar to: Gunsmoke – Ben Tolliver’s Stud, Norman MacDonnell. 550723. Chester reads Matt a letter from home, sent to him by his brother Magnus. The casual moment…
As the show opens, we find Matt and Doc riding casually through Dodge City. The rough town seems to be getting more refined, but when a Texas cowboy rides up,…
Christmas festivities of the past couple days have Candy Matson all tuckered out. She plans to go into hibernation for a while and avoid the world until New Years Eve…
Episodes of the serial are hit and miss, and there seems to be at least one missing since our last episode. Previously the Black Cat had gotten away by jumping…
A group of cowboys ride the range. They ride herd to race them to market. Gunmen ride along to make things dangerous, and to see that their herds are the…
America's favorite cowboy sings, I'm an Old Cowhand from the Rio Grande. Gene then sings, I Went to Your Wedding. In the bunkhouse Winston and Pat Butram joke with Gene…
It's monsoon season as Philip Carney sails the Scarlet Queen into another adventure. In port, he seeks out his contact for the Kang company for his next instructions along his…
Squire pops in with a complaint about Abner. What has come over him to cause him to run wild? Abner has taken to dressing like a cowboy, and swaggering all…