Taking his duties as Air Raid warden seriously, Lum has bought an old train porter's uniform. He's still delivering pamphlets for Diogenes, and tells a little of his embarrassing story…
A story of a past present, that had no future. A young lawyer has just got word of a big time client, and shares the news with his skeptical girlfriend.…
Sponsored by Kellogg Corn Pops, "Kids love Pops! Mon's love Pops! And Pops love pPops!" Reaturing Guy Madison as Wild Bill, and Andy Devine as his sidekick Jingles. Today Bill…
The word of the day is, trust. They're 90 miles outside of Dodge City, but it's where Matt and Chester have found themselves. Shot up, and weary, but in a…
Audio is poor, even after some noise canceling. It degrades in the middle, Ernest is a man in despair, and talks about hearing things. Witches, warlocks, and things that go…
It's monsoon season as Philip Carney sails the Scarlet Queen into another adventure. In port, he seeks out his contact for the Kang company for his next instructions along his…
Money has been missing from the circus wagon, and today we find Squire Skimp trying to convince Lum of his innocence. The safe is in the wagon where Lum and…