Title: Enemy from Space Plot: In an attempt to start a nuclear war, alien beings kidnap the president and send back a double to take his place. Aware of the…
The morning papers have arrived, and as Phil reads, the children have gathered around to ask him to read them Dick Tracey. He puts aside his reading of Orphan Annie…
The president speaks on the tradition and symbolism of the holidays. Tribute is given for those who are serving overseas this Christmas. Keeping peace for the sake of little children…
The president recounts America's involvement in past foreign wars to protect domestic freedom. From the wars in the first 25 years as a nation, for 99 years no foreign lands…
With a new business opportunity staring at them, Lum sets himself up as the program director of the Voice of Pine Ridge radio station. What kind of shows does he…
Gracie talks about her zany relatives. Frank Parker is still mentioning his government job that Gracie promised him a few episodes back. Frank sings, Love Is In the Air. Gracie…
Announcer: Truman Bradley. Ray Nobel Orchestra. Tenor: Frank Parker. It's all over the newspaper, and newsreels... Send Gracie to Washington! She explains too George why she's going to run for…
The secret of the synthetic rubber formula has been safeguarded, and today the gents are back in the feed room to mix up some more. The rubber manufacturing might just…
After confusion over selling their old delivery truck, Lum finds him in trouble in paying the commission to the repair shop for making the deal. This won't lead them to…