Burns and Allen – Government Jobs. 400228

Announcer: Truman Bradley. Ray Nobel Orchestra. Tenor: Frank Parker.

It’s all over the newspaper, and newsreels… Send Gracie to Washington! She explains too George why she’s going to run for office. Does she stand a chance of winning, or have any idea of what it takes to qualify as the next president? Frank, Ray, and George discuss job appointments that Gracie promised, as she runs out for a photo shoot. Gracie announces her Surprise party mascot, a kangaroo.

Frank Parker sings, Yours Is My Heart Alone. Whatt does Gracie know about politics? Her illogical logic makes it all sound good. She explains what her Surprise party platform stands for, and even introduces a campaign song. A publicity agent has plenty of stunts to put Gracie in front of the nation. Mary Kelley gets teased about being the model for the Republican mascot, and various campaign slogans are batted around.

Ray Nobel plays, The Wood Pecker Song.

Mary Kelley, also called Bubbles, takes a letter. Gracie is sure to get the votes of her competition, as long as her logic holds up. Reporters are on hand to hear about her campaign promises. How does she stand on current hot button topics of the times? Does she have a plan to bring back prosperity, or recognize Russia? What about the national debt?

To wrap up, Gracie sings, My Chihuahua.

Notable Quote: If we can’t reduce the high cost of living, we’ll just have to do without it. – Gracie.