At the end of an already too long day, Philip Marlowe's next adventure is about to begin with an encounter with a blue eyed dame. miss Stewart is sure that…
An immigrant man is worried that his son has fallen in with the wrong crowd. Can Philip Marlowe do anything to help? Bernardo has moved away from home, but his…
Hanging out with a policeman friend, Philip is present when the call to respond to a murder scene comes in. Listen in as Philip gives the descriptive account of the…
In his shabby apartment, Philip gets connected with his next case. The landlady has been hearing suspicious tapping sounds, and wants Philip's expertise in figuring it out. Mr Larry seems…
All set for a fishing trip, Marlowe has to change plans when he meets an ex-con named Cookie, and crosses paths with a wealthy, but desperate, Lillian Collins. Jewelry has…
On a hot day in the city, an immigrant man who runs a produce stand may soon need help from Philip Marlowe. Though Marlowe would rather just pick up the…
Philip gives the picturesque description of placid suburbia. Nice little houses, birds chirping and fruit trees pepper the landscape. He is on the case of a missing person. What would…
It's a hot, humid day in the city, and Marlowe is frustrated by a xylophone playing neighbor. He also takes a phone call from a terse apartment dweller. How did…
In a bar, Philip meets a dame that he can fall for. Monti Karr feels the same about him, even after a long evening of sharing drinks together. Philip sets…