Philip Marlowe – The Fine Italian Hand. ep57, 491105

An immigrant man is worried that his son has fallen in with the wrong crowd. Can Philip Marlowe do anything to help? Bernardo has moved away from home, but his dad doesn’t know where.

Bernardo isn’t very talkative, maybe Marlowe will get more information from some of his friends. Philip puts the moves on Paula, a dance teacher. She’s not telling all she knows either. The snooping leads to a murder scene. Did Bernardo have a hand in it?

Philip has to break some bad news, but before he can, a red faced man enters. Is he a friend, or foe? Complications set in that serve only to drive Marlowe into a frenzy. A clear cut answer doesn’t seem to be in store for Bernardo or his father. Suddenly there are suspects galore, but it’ll take action from Marlowe to cut to the bottom of the tangled mess. Stay tuned to the epilog for the full explanation of how it all works out.