Don and Jack talk about the strings that had to be pulled to get tickets to the Rosebowl game. Phil arrives and is teased about his drinking, and the members…
Business hasn't gone well for Bogey. The cargo in the Florida Keys wasn't there, and his contact person never showed up. Back on shore in Havana, he looks for a…
Slate annoys Sailor as he sings a tune on the way to see Kate. Before they arrive, a cop stops them to be taken in for questioning. Meanwhile, a couple…
A conversation with an elated customer is interrupted by another who presents a business deal for Shannon and Saylor. While the fortunes of Slade and Saylor look nice, the fortunes…
Host is Frank Sinatra. He sings, Is it the Sun or You. Victor Borge talks with Frank about his dog, and his childhood. He plays the Warsaw Concerrto. Humphrey Bogart…
Slate Shannon catches up with an old friend, Joe Bishop. He has Slate hold his life's treasure, but before it can be put into a safe, Joe is filled with…
A man with a sugar plantation, Cameron, needs help getting his daughter off a gambling ship called the Blue Moon. Why doesn't Norton agree to ban the girl from boarding…
Typical business for Shannon's Place is like any other. We find Slate and Saylor on the way to pick up their hotel stationary, but there's something wrong. Carlos Sanchez is…
In Shannon's Place, King Moses entertains the hotel guests with song. Will Slate learn any lessons on romance from the older couple in the hotel? but the older couple, the…
There's something about their latest guest in the hotel, Joe Ralston, that Sailor doesn't like. Slate can't figure her out, but why is Ralston in town? He finds out soon…