Bold Venture – Sailor Framed for Murder. ep10, 510528

A conversation with an elated customer is interrupted by another who presents a business deal for Shannon and Saylor. While the fortunes of Slade and Saylor look nice, the fortunes of others in Havana have murder in store. Should Slade be concerned over who wants to buy his hotel and boat? Why is Saylor being framed for murder?

Shannon has to take extreme measures to rescue Saylor. Finding the man behind the misunderstanding, Ricardo sends them to visit the woman who broke his heart. Guns blaze in a house of mirrors. Will it get our heroes any closer to Bubbles? Why has the dame been using Saylor’s name?

A tale of greed and jilted lovers emerges, and soon Shannon is on the run to chase down Russ. His attempt to kill Shannon and Saylor backfires on him, then a romantic moment closes the show.