Bold Venture – Deadly Merchandise or Gun Runners. ep1, 510326

anchors, boating, Photographs, transportation

Business hasn’t gone well for Bogey. The cargo in the Florida Keys wasn’t there, and his contact person never showed up. Back on shore in Havana, he looks for a way to catch a Yankee dollar. Who is the stranger on the dock who demands Slade’s merchandise? The guitar playing and crooning, King Moses, has word that a mystery woman is interested in what Slade has to offer as well.

Meeting Bebe in the hotel later, A woman screams, and the culprit is… a bird? What new developments await the sultry team of Bogey and Bacall? As they learn that their merchandise that they missed picking up is a shipment of guns, a gunshot rings out to claim another victim. King pops in to announce yet another player in this dangerous story. Before Slade can tell Bebe’ sister Celeste about the deaths, she tells him about it instead. Mario was the woman’s husband, and we learn more of a revolution in the undercurrebts of Havanna.

Acting to befriend the victims, Slade and Sailor follow a lead to a nightclub. What new dirt will they expose with the revolution? Will the adrenaline pumping danger be what it takes to get a rise out of Sailor? Will the killers be brought to justice? Stand by for the twist ending to see who the mastermind behind the string of killings actually is.

Notable quotes:

Bacall: What do you say behind my back?
Bogey? I don’t know, let me walk behind you. I’ll think of something.