Fibber McGee and Molly – How to Live to 150. ep476, 460423

A black and white photograph of Fibber McGee and Molly, a couple from a popular radio show of the same name. They are standing in front of a closet that has been opened, with clothes and other items spilling out onto the floor. Fibber is holding a mop and wearing an apron, while Molly looks on with a smile on her face. The overall effect is one of humor and domesticity, with the couple's playful antics and cluttered living space providing a snapshot of life in mid-century America in 1948.

What’s the secret to long life? Fibber has a book he picked up during his visit to Doc Gambles office. It’s a book on all sorts of tips on good health. Milliscent Carstairs pops in to tell about longevity in her family. Billy Millsss plays and the Kingsmen sing, One More Dreamm.

The dietary tipss have Fibber bent on getting some goats milk, or maybe some camel’s milk. Mayor Latrivia makes his appearance. What will he have to say on the topic of long life? Fibber tells the mayor about his early movie career. What? No confusion over word play?

Wallace Wimple enterrs to tell about a recently developed eating problem. Hiss marital spats with Sweetie Face are getting more and more violent. The Kingsmen sing, Wheel in the Middle of the Air.

Desperate to locate a source of goatss milk, Fibber turns to the telephone. Sidetracked by a chat with Myrt, the telephone operator, ends when the doorbell rings. Doc Gamble enters, and talks to Fibber about the book he took from his office. Is there real benefit to the diet tips and glories of goats milk, as the book claims?