Have you ever wondered about the toys and games you play? Learn a few tidbits about the origins of hockey, basketball, tennis, and baseball. Close on the heels of Dig…
Convinced that someone is out to sabotage the Metropolis football team, Clark has been prsuing leads. Some have been dead ends, but the case is taking shape. Clark plays off…
Held captive with Perry White, Clark has to use other measures to get help. His captors don't realize the power of the experimental voice machine, and think Clark is nuts…
On the trail of a possible missing persons case, Clark Kent is joined by Lois Lane. Having sprung into action as Superman, some high powered snooping is going on. What…
An opera singer takes a flight with her friend, Michael. At the top of her success, she suddenly is gripped by a feeling of impending danger. She explains her fears…
Trouble awaits our heros in indian country, as we join the wagon train that cuts across the prairie. Outlaws had been the cause of the attack that left no survivors…
In previous installments, Chuck and a friend hathe just met and gone off to test fly an airplane. They spotted what they thought was a downed airplane with a pilot…
After a manufacturing plant on a remote asteroid is broken into, Commander Correy and Cadet Happy are on hand to investigate. Was it an inside job? Maybe a brain-o-graph test…