Gildersleeve is faced with getting Marjorie and Leroy new school clothes and supplies. Though Leroy is all too willing to drop out so Marjorie will have the extra cash for…
As Gildersleeves shares the news that aunt Hattie is to leave soon, he and Leroy share a moment of jubilation. Keeping their excitement respectful, they get ready for the day.…
The meeting of the Jolly Boys club is called to order, and Floyd shares some complaints. He feels the club has been taking advantage of him, and not paying rent…
When he arrives home from work, Gildy tells that his secretary is back. For those who didn't catch the previous few shows, she was fired over being late, but she…
The routine in the Gildersleeve home is interrupted when everybody spies on the activities of the new neighbors. Gildy forbids peaking out the window, but he is just as guilty…
Up before dawn, Gildy is in good spirits this morning. Word has come that aunt Hattie is to go home. Marjorie and Leroy get a kick out of watching their…
Leroy gives Gildersleeve grief about going to school. Gildy goes to sing with his Jolly Boys who sing a few bars of, Rambling Rose. Back home, Leroy has a surprise…