Title: The Unseen Watcher Plot: A gambler dreams up a desperate scheme to "off" his bookie in order to escape his huge debts. To fund his addiction, he kills his…
Audio is good, but cuts out momentarily in spots. After Squire has learned the truth about Lum's broken leg, he has a plan. In the Jot 'Em Down Store, Abner…
The job to investigate a warehouse of furs that caught on fire comes across Richard Rogue's path. For a hot tip, Rogue needs to pay a $1000 payment to the…
Police detective Ray Mallard goes to Candy with a case to do some insurance investigation. Candy smells something fishy, since Mallard isn't usually forthcoming with help for her. Since the paycheck is going to be hefty, she manages to overlook any initial problems, and takes the case.
Lum and Abner - Restocking Of The Jot 'em Down Store Begins. 350218 Horlicks: For weight control, easy to digest, keeps your alert, helps children grow. Carlton Brickert reminds listeners…
Featuring a full week in Pine Ridge. Keith introduces the shows by sharing a few tidbits of news items that also occurred elsewhere in the world. Lum and Abner -…
Featuring a full week in Pine Ridge. Keith introduces the shows by sharing a few tidbits of news items that also occurred elsewhere in the world. Lum and Abner -William…
At insurance investigation he's an expert. At filling out his expense report, he's an absolute genius. Johnny Dollar is on the track of a missing girl. The search begins on…
Johnny is all set for an Egyptian adventure as he investigates for an old Army buddy. Johnny's former captain describes the trouble, the murder, and the political red tape that…