The Whistler – House of Fear. ep57, 430619

Lana jilts Paul by telling him about the man she really loves, and plans to marry. Time passes, and we find her with her older husband on the train to take the couple on their honeymoon. At age 50, Gregory is a darling, despite being twice the age of his bride. While he is having the time of his life, Lana is increasingly bored.

The life of leisure at the cozy villa makes Gregory want to buy it, but Lana can’t shake the lonely feeling that has been growing in her. The real estate broker arranges a deal to lease the place for a year. Months pass, and while Gregory enjoys his gardening, Lana takes a trip to Mexico City where she encounters Paul. She tells him how her boredom has driven her to file for divorce.

Confession time, and Lana comes clean on the reason she turned down Paul for Gregory. Money meant more than love to her at the time. What about Paul? Is he still open to getting back together with Lana? Will a life with him mean the life of surprises?

Months pass, and we find Lana in fear, and on her sickbed. Doctors don’t know what’s wrong, and Paul suggests she’s just hearing and seeing things. Is she just allergic to big, lonely houses? A construction project turns up the body of Gregory in the basement. What secrets are being kept? Lana isn’t the only one with a dark past, or motive to kill Gregory. Twists keep coming as the Whistler tells all the dark truths.

PS: Though Gregory is referred to as being elderly, he’s only 50. I suppose that meant elderly in the mid-20th century.