Pam and Jerry North are sure their friend couldn't have committed murder, but all the evidence stacks up against him. In flashback to the court room, Mr Baker tells his…
Audio starts well, but gets weak and staticky in the middle. Maybe it could use a drink of the sponsor product. A letter tells how a weak, and sickly boy…
A letter to the sponsor testifies how Ovaltine helped a boy recover from an auto accident. Helping him gain weight, settle his nerves, and help him sleep better. A description…
This is no place for perfect crimes, but one that came close was the robbery of the Bank of England. Two men meet to compare notes, one a top detective…
In the novels and mystery stories, the murderer always seems to have a quirk, or characteristic that gives him away. In real life it can be hard to pick out…
Court is in session, and so far setbacks have ruled the day. As they wait, Abner talks to Lum about the admirable way Lizabeth can plow a field. Their lawyer,…
Connie Meston reports a murder at her ranch that gets the attention of the Texas Rangers. Talking to her dad, Jase learns about a love interest, Brady. The case seems…
Blair and his counterpart discuss the case thus far about the murder of a man who changed his will, and the boat that was tampered with that caused his drowning.…
Fibber is upset over a dream he had last night. He would never throw a rock through Abigail Uppington's window, would he? A newspaper report seems to indicate that someone…
Troubled in the case mean that Justice of the Peace, Lum,, is on the phone to postpone the trial. As defense attorney, Squire Skimp doesn't want to go along. Is…