The glamor of being on the radio is sucked dry by a marriage to Tisha and her money. Roger learns that she plans to leave him, and now nothing matters…
Or, Nick Carter and the Death House Mystery. A last-minute conference finds a death row inmate with only hours to live, calling on help from Nick Carter. Johnny isn't hoping…
A young family visits grandparents just outside of Salt Flats. They arrive only to discover the scene of a grisly murder. Jase tries to get any information he can from…
In a lonely farm house, a woman makes a call for the sheriff. Gunshots end the call, and Sheriff Ross arrives too late. Jase Pearson is on the scene of…
At the Blue Note, Casey and Ann talk with Ethylbert and get the news about the wierd case of a man who seemingly shot himself just before his insurance policy…
After a scuffle in a bunkhouse that results in gunshots, and a fire, The Texas Rangers investigate the crime scene. There isn't much left to look at in the burned…
Arnold is a man who is contemplating leaving his wife. He helps around the house, and responds to his talkative wife's every request. Evelyn is more heartbroken over her broken…
Life on the streets is explained by Richard. His tale of two street kids, and the choices they made really aren't any different from the same thing that still happens…