The comedy quiz series produced in Hollywood, with Groucho Marx as host. A pediatrician and a mother are first up. Once Groucho figures out which is which, he learns about…
Mr. Channing is a high-powered business executive, not tolerating insolence in employees. He had once had a thing with his secretary, Brenda, but the rude exec now thinks of her…
The contestants are paired up and ready, and Groucho interviews them to learn the interesting facts about them. As he jokes around, the secret word will earn $100 for the…
marshal scrambles to shut down his night club, before a committee to investigate illegal gambling can do it for him. Meanwhile, Jimmy Collier is running his rabbit farm, and his…
A case comes in, and the great Nero Wolfe springs into... er... make that, snores in his easy chair as Archie Goodwin takes action. Dianna Lawrence is a competitive archer.…
Lum tries on an old tux, and wants Abner's fashion advice on it. The gents discuss the falling attendance at school. Are all the modern distractions to blame? Radio, comic…
After the original run of the series, the producers tried, apparently unsuccessfully, to revive the show. This is the pilot production for that effort, but with the enthusiasm shown in…
Sponsored by Ford. Lum and Abner talk about the new calendar picture, and the days coming out different from year to year. What will the new year hold? Lum wonders…
Archie Goodwin, the long suffering assistant to Nero Wolfe narrates their latest mystery. Clay Michaelson is an art dealer, and jealous of his wife. His friend, Lou Saunders is a…
A young family visits grandparents just outside of Salt Flats. They arrive only to discover the scene of a grisly murder. Jase tries to get any information he can from…