Vic and Sade – Flower Garden Arranger. 390116.

As Vic reads the paper, and Sade darns socks, Rush tries to do his algebra homework. Sade brings up the topic of what a person might do with a million dollars. Just the kind of interesting topic that Rush needs to distract him, as if any topic wouldn't be interesting enough to distract Rush from his homework. Vick would buy a motorcycle, and fancy clothes. Sade tells how she plans to come by her million dollars. She wants to start a business being a flower garden arranger, and advisor to her friends.

Vic and Sade – Lodge Regalia Out On Loan. 390102.

Vic talks with Sade about the emergency lodge meeting that is to kick off this evening. To prepare, Vic recruits Rush and Sade to drop what they are doing, and help him get ready. He needs his special lodge clothes, and Rush needs to help with memorizing the official greetings, and assigning gretings to others to memorize. Vic and Sade - Lodge Regalia Out On Loan. 390102. Vic talks with Sade about the emergency lodge meeting that is to kick off this evening. To prepare, Vic recruits Rush and Sade to drop what they are doing, and help him get ready. He needs his special lodge clothes, and Rush needs to help with memorizing the official greetings, and assigning gretings to others to memorize.