Sir Francis Drake and the Brittish fleet are at sea. CBS reporters interview him to discuss the tactics in making contact with the Spanish Armada that threatens London. Meanwhile in…
The date is October 12, 1492, and CBS reporters in London are breathlessly awaiting news from the ships at sea in search of a new land. It has been days…
Before Pennsylvania was a state, it's founder faced losing it all in a courtroom battle. Charged of conducting an unlawful assembly, the facts of the case are layed before the…
CBS Reporters go back to 1184BC to deliver the facts about the Fall of Troy. Inside the walls of Troy we learn a little background of the ten year siege,…
The Greeks are set to battle with the much larger Persian army. CDS takes you back over a thousand years to be there as Alexander the Great seeks mastery of…
As a delegation of women gather to fight for their right to vote, their male counterparts try to keep them in their place at home, and out of the world…
Alexander the Great decides whether to accept terms of peace with Persia. if he does, the war will be over between the Greeks and the Persians, if not, The Greeks…
In the Roman Senate, it's the Ides of March as government officials gather, and CBS reporters take you there. The day that shook the Roman Empire and changed the course…
A high profile case of betrayal is played out, and CBS reporters are on hand to take you there. Reporters interview the players in the courtroom drama, and learn a…
Two political rivals settle a personal score in the early morning. Duelling was even then illegal, but was still accepted as a legitimate way of settling a personal offense. CBS…