A call comes into the police station, and the cops respond to the shooting at the bar, complete with medical assistance. It's late with few cars on the street, and…
Special guest tonight is Kay Star. As Gildy pulls into his driveway, he gives neighbor, Bullard the right of way. In a moment of double politeness, Bullard takes the opportunity…
Working the Homicide detail, Joe Friday and partner Frank Smith report for duty. The cops interview a witness to get all the details they can. A man named Kelvi is…
As Joe and Frank talk in the squad room, the discussion of family matters and food is interrupted when a call to go interview the witness of a murder crosses…
When a call about a man found strangled with his own neck tie comes in, we find Joe Friday on the job in the Homicide Department. Joe Friday, and partner…
The cast of characters is introduced in this enactment of a real crime, from the files of Scotland Yard. Police split between voiceover, and dramatization to present the evidence, and…
Cynthia is the harried wife of a high powered and demanding man, Randy. He's the kind of man to plan things to the minute, and worry over details of his…
The story you are about to hear is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Working the Forgery detail, Joe Friday and partner Frank Smith need…
Captain Canelli tells about a waterfront emergency that called him from his off duty time. In the chaos, Canelli responds to a robbery call, and witnesses are questioned. When a…
The cheerful atmosphere at the county fair is marred when the judge of the baking contest dies of poisning, and from a cake that his own wife baked. The maid,…