Whitehall1212 – Neville Hutchins, Shopkeeper. 511216

Assorted law enforcement badges and photographs on a textured background, representing government and police officials.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

The cast of characters is introduced in this enactment of a real crime, from the files of Scotland Yard. Police split between voiceover, and dramatization to present the evidence, and the crime scene. Lab work helps with forensic clues. Word is spread to Interpol and a man is identified in connection with the murder. Tune in as the case snowballs, and in unceremonious fashion, the police get busy with the case.

Police line ups, and other ways to identify their man only prove the weak memory of an eye witness. What will make the killer crack? A full confession is in order, so stay tuned. Not to mention a bit of courtroom drama for closure.

PS: If you think that shows like 21st Precinct, or Dragnet plod along in a matter of fact, boring police routine then this program will make them look like exciting drama. The story is told in a very dry, and almost boring fashion as the facts of the case are presented, and the points that help to prove it out.