Actually, an installment of the Mystery Playhouse, hosted by Peter Lorre. He presents a story about an empty bottle, but one that's not quite empty. Mr Wilder takes his wife…
Connie trims her Friendship Tree with Christmas cards. Friendship tree? Wow, I didn't think they had that much trouble with the political correctness police back then. Mrs. Davis has to…
Transcript: Episode17 @ Silent Photoplay Blog SilentPhotoplayForum Cast: Judy: Barbara Jean Wong Jimmy: Unknown Cinnamon Bear (Paddy O'Cinnamon): Buddy Duncan, Crazy Quilt Dragon: Joseph Kearnes. Muddlers - Unknown. While at…
The pretenders share a fan letter that requests today's story. Let's take a motorcycle ride with the police to storyland. A fisherman has a wife who complains of their poverty,…
The Pretenders read a letter from a fan who has requested today's story. Let's all ride horses into storyland and enjoy. At the bottom of the sea, mermaids wonder over…
While at the Wishing Well, the curious Cinnamon Bear leaned over too far and fell in. Judy wishes him out, but the magic instructions required their only wish be in…
Waking up one morning, a small machine is found waiting to be utilized. It's just a simple, 3 foot cube, with a red button. What's a utilizer? A witching machine?…
Playing the part of a midget, Ernest Chapel describes his vantage point from being able to stand up under a table. When he encounters a stranger, he ends up with a charm that lets him get three wishes. Will the tiny man use his wishes in playing poker... or in matters of love... or something else?