The plans for the wedding and honeymoon continue. Will Abner be going along with Lizabeth? He isn’t so keen on all the fancy arrangements, and may be doing his traveling…
Getting remarried, a big ceremony is in the works for Abner. Abney received word from the insurance e company that the ordeal won’t be needed to prove his marriage, but…
Flashback to Jacks house on Thanksgiving Day. Rochester sings, if you can call it that, as he does some house cleaning. Jack has some set backs as he gets ready…
Getting ready for the big New Year's Eve party, Andhy has trouble finding a tuxedo, and Amos shares some of the cut backs he has had to make at home. Kingfish has his own family troubles to gripe about. Might he have a lead on a tux to rent? The slow moving, slow talking, Lightening, might be able to get the tux back early enough to keep from being charged a higher rate.
Part 2? What happened to Part 1? This sequel to last week's show, Broken Hearted Phil, is sometimes titled, Trumans Inaugural Part 1. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. At…