My Friend Irma – Piano Lessons. ep105, 490411

My Friend Irma cast in 1948. My Friend Irma, best new program: Marie Wilson as Irma with Cathy Lewis and, Cy Howard.

Features Joan Banks as Jane Stacey, and Marie Wilson as Irma Petersen. Irma decides to better herself and take piano lessons. Unfortunately, Jane had to let the piano go back to the music shop due to lack of any one playing it, and to save on making the payment. Irma seems to be stuck when she can’t back out of the lessons.

Professor Kropotkin stops by, but doesn’t have many good words to say about the school where Irma is to take lessons. Al comes over to talk about his latest invention. If he can help get Irmas money back, he thinks he might be able to use it to invest in his latest wacky idea to raise money. Can they manage it? No, but Irma changes track.

Irma decides to swap piano lessons for voice lessons to be in the talent contest. It might take some help from Al’s friend Joe, or possibly from Mrs. Riley to help her out. Things get darker before they get better. Irma loses her job, but with her charmed life, things have a way of working out for the better.

Note: Originally posted on the site on 10 Feb 2011. The earlier post claims to be from1947, but probably isn’t. It also seems to be the same show from AFRS, but this one has better quality, and the air date is more likely correct.