Lum and Abner – Abner and Grandpap Remodel a Tuxedo. 480722

Two men dressed in traditional Hawaiian attire, Lum and Abner, are seen mid-dance in the center of a small store. Lum, on the left, is playing a ukulele while Abner on the right is swaying his hips and waving his arms. A small crowd is gathered around them, some clapping and others smiling. The store itself is cluttered with various items, including shelves of canned goods and hanging clothes, giving it a cozy and lived-in feel.

Getting remarried, a big ceremony is in the works for Abner. Abney received word from the insurance e company that the ordeal won’t be needed to prove his marriage, but it’s too late to stop the ball from it’s motion. The insurance company just wants Abner to get his paperwork returned as quickly as possible. What can he do?

The formal wedding keeps on going. Grandpap enters to help Abner get his tuxedo ready. Its too late to borrow or order one, and Abner won’t consider buying one.

The only suit to be had is Lum’s. Grandpap cuts down the oversized coat and pants. Lum isn’t going to need his tux… is he? Lum may get his wish to buy one of the new styles in tuxedos.