Let’s Pretend – King Thrushbeard. ep47

A fairy sitting on a flower blossom, with her wings spread out and a wand in her hand. The flower is vibrant purple and the fairy has a mischievous smile on her face.

Today’s story is said to be the basis for Shakespeare’s play, the Taming of the Shrew.

Now let’s take an express subway ride to storyland, and get started. A king had a beautiful daughter who was spoiled, and loved to taunt everybody. She never considered the feelings of others. When the king brought suitors before her, her insults chased them all away. Then one day, a prince with a beard that looked like the beak of a thrush came calling. Rather than being chased away, he gave the king some advice, and the princess found herself being married off to the first begger that came knocking.

Being knocked off her high pedistal, and without money, servants, or social status, she learns a hard lesson. But will she live happily ever after? Will she be destined for a lifetime in her lowly state?
