In the way of outlaws anywhere, bandits of the West were always trying to think of ways to outsmart the law. For now a foolproof scheme has been worked by…
Title: A Very Very Tough Step Father Indeed. As the family enjoy the beautiful morning, Joan is still sleeping after her all night ordeal. Claudia and Nick comment about the…
Called Chapter 6, but actually Chapter 7. A continuation of... Title: Father Barber Predicts the Worst. Claudia and Nick wait with Pa Barber while they wait for word from Paul…
Title: Father Barber Predicts the Worst. After a picnic, as an attempt at getting his son Andrew to like Roberta Evans a little better, and with litttle result, we find…
At the train station, Gildersleeve is joined by Leroy and Marjorie to greet a cousin. Octavia and her little daughter, Barbara Ann meet the family. The snooty, and trusting Octavia,…
After 5 years, Gildersleeve wants to get in touch with his old friend, Charlie. Leroy learns about a few of the friendly pranks the college chums played on each other,…
Learn a little about the laws that ruled the country during the Revolutionary War. It was a time before the Constitution was written. While Dick Tracy believes that he has…
How do things get invented? Learn a little about it by the story of the first taxi cab comopany was started. Dick Tracy has learned about a clu that could…
Scarlet Queen - Shore Leave And The Unhappy Wife. 470925. It looks like Philip Carney has another tale of woe after being involved with a woman, and the port authorities.…
Spotting a prowler trying to pull a speedboat ot of its hiding place, Clark gets a surprise. It's Louis, a Navy Secret Service agent who disappeared early in the advednture.…