This begins with a bonus track. It's actually a recording of Puss in Boots, as narrated by Hal Peary, the Great Gildersleeve, he brings this tale to life with a…
Transcript: Episode 24 @ Silent Photoplay Blog SilentPhotoplayForum Cast: Judy: Barbara Jean Wong Jimmy: Unknown Cinnamon Bear (Paddy O'Cinnamon): Buddy Duncan, Crazy Quilt Dragon: Joseph Kearnes. Santa's tin soldiers are…
Matt Dillon is taken aback when the commander of the army camp accuses him of being inept at controlling the rowdy element. Attacks have been made on soldiers who take…
A couple of inspectors review an exhibit in the Black Museum, namely a handkerchief and a red leather bag that was the key evidence in a murder cae. The case…
Judy recounts how she visited the Hollywood Canteen to entertain the soldiers. In a patriotic moment she claims to be willing to join the WAC if she could get a…
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By KeithFebruary 26, 2022Posted inJuvenile
Smiling Ed McConnel gets the story ready. It's one about that returning favorite hero, little Kula and his genie of the jug. Kula is a fisherman boy who found the…
Another Amos and Andy double feature. First show: Annual Minstrel Show At Lodge. 12-04-1936. A stage show done in vaudeville style. Andy opens with a humorous story about chickens. The…
Scotland Yard inspectors discuss the latest murder case. A young woman is found tied and beaten. Calling in their list of suspects, one man is a soldier who deserted from…
Merry Christmas! Enjoy this slice of life from the war years of 1943. The news is brutal, but timely as it can be with the technology of the day. Before…