The show opens with the usual commercial, and another yummie Jell-o recipe by Don. Rochester helps Jack get the party preparations finished up, with plenty of stingy jokes. Mary reports…
Hosted by Joan Blondell. Virginia O'Brian reads greetings from the mail bag before singing, Did I Get Stinking at the Club Savoy. Rochester talks to Joan about Jack Benny then…
Or, The Train Porter. In the train station in Chicago, Jack and the gang board the train bound for Los Angeles. Autograph seekers, Rochester the train porter, and the silliness…
Before the show starts, get a news flash about the latest in food rationing. Joking about military acronyms, Jack gets a nickname, then teases Don Wilson about his weight. Topics…
Don rolls the clock back to last Thursday, and we join Jack and Rochester as they inventory the pantry. When Mary visits, Jack falls off his stool. Everything seems fine……
Just after last week's TV show, Jack is pleased with the laughter it received. Not bad for someone who has been in show businesses long as Jack has… How long…
Jack takes over the mike to announce Don, and mention an award that Don just received. Don returns the favor to mention a magazine article that featured Jack. Mary talks…
Rochester is helped by his friend Roy, as he cleans up after the party of the night before. What's the latest news about the Coleman's? Rochester be getting married to…
Don rolls the clock back to the day before, and we join Rochester and Jack at the breakfast table. Its National Save a Wife week, but what does that have…