A classic show with two classic comedians. Prior to the show, Eddie Cantor makes a phone calls to get Jackk Benny on his show. He has to wait until Jack…
After being stranded in Little Rock, our bedraggled travelers have scraped up the money needed for the last leg of their journey. Cedric morns the loss of his beloved pinball…
Still in charge, Cedric sets the tone, and gives orders concerning the expedition to Tennessee. Among his essentials for life on the road, Cedric has brought a pinball machine... thee…
Get a lesson in how war bonds and stamps work, as the opening commercial tells that stamps don't earn interest. So get those stamp books filled, and convert it to…
Due to the excuses brought up by Ulysses, the meeting of the Golden Era Discussion Club is held at grandpap's house. Cedric is late, but can you blame him for…