Opens with a tune by the Charioteers, Goucho Serenade. Normally, the show has a variety of acts, but Victor carries the whole show with his unique style of humor and…
Hosted by Jack Benny, who jokes with Ken Carpenter about his introduction, movies, and Jack's plumber girlfriend. Bing Crosby enters to tease Jack. After reading greetings and requests from the…
Hosted by Pat O'Bryan, he shares a few words of greeting from the mail bag then introduces Sammy Kaye. Sammy sings, Dear Mom. Slapsie Maxie Rosenberg, a champion boxer turned…
Playlist: Hosted by bandleader, Fred Waring. Fred's band, the Pennsylvanians sing, Buckle Down Windsocky. Joe E Lewis is on hand to joke around about matters of love. He also sings,…
In responce to letters from servicemen Fred Allen hosts the show. Fred gives an update on how the Benny-Allen feud is going. Which of course includes plenty of jabs at…
Hosted by Ernie Whitman. Tiny Bradshaw sings, Hit that Jive Jack. Next is that hit, Willie Floyd singing, Do Nothing Til You Here from Me. Pianist, Dorothy Donogan plays, Tea…
After her tours with the Army, Judy tells about her visit on an Army bomber, and her reception touring the base facilities. After joking with Geranium and her bandleader, Judy…
Bob Hope is the host for the show. He jokes about his recent travels to military bases, life in the barracks, Chow hall food, and more. Bob dips into the…
This is it, the first anniversary show of Jubilee. As talked about on last week's show. It's so jam packed with favorites from the year, there's almost no time for…
The nights host is Robert Young. After reading from the mail bag, Charlie Stevac starts with, Besa Me Mucho. After another dip into the mailbag, Cass Daily arrives to talk…