Don't miss the tugboat that takes the listener to another adventure in storyland today. A brother and sister ran away to avoid the abuse from their stepmother and stepsister. They…
Uncle Bill and Cybil lead the pretenders to storyland by flying with a flock of giant ducks. It's Hans Christian Anderson's famous story, Thumbelina. In a land of flowers, a…
Time for outstanding children's theater. Let's ride a railroad handcar to storyland to get things started. Our story today involves a king who had 12 daughters. There's a mystery surrounding…
Join the pretenders and take a submarine ride under the waves to storyland today. It's that classic story from Grimm's Fairytales about a Scandanavian family. Both husband and wife complain…
An original adaptation of the famous poem. Now let's get started by taking a toboggan ride to storyland and listen to the new telling of the family adventure. The kids…
Uncle Bill and the pretenders get ready for another story, and welcomes cards and letters for story requests. Let's pile into a jet plane, and take off for a flight…
Before we hear our story, the pretenders take a helicopter flight that delivers us asafely in storyland. Our story involves sisters with the names, One Eye, Two Eye, and Three…
Get ready to travel to storyland on an old fashioned hayride. A king called his three sons together, and gave the command that it's time they each marry. None are…
Occasionally at the beginning of the show, the announcer tells of an award for the sho, or reads a letter of praise. A few weeks ago on the podcast, a…
The show has just recieved an award for 16 years of top notch service. The pretenders take a ride on a rocket for today's adventure into storyland. A household with…