Title: Enemy from Space Plot: In an attempt to start a nuclear war, alien beings kidnap the president and send back a double to take his place. Aware of the…
A Classic story from Ray Bradbury. In the far flung futuristic year of 1985, kids play outdoors, just as on any typical day. Mom gets dinner ready and dad is…
In the radio broadcast service for the Missing Persons Bureau, a strange radio signal cuts in over the normally secure channel. Who could be doing such a thing? Where is…
Sir Francis Drake and the Brittish fleet are at sea. CBS reporters interview him to discuss the tactics in making contact with the Spanish Armada that threatens London. Meanwhile in…
Captain Mannering gets a word of advice from Jones before the men begin arriving. He briefs them on the command post, and how to react should there be an invasion…
From the far horizons of the unknown come thrilling tales of science fiction. The last man on earth sat alone in a room, when there was a knock at the…
A strange and thrilling story by James Lepperts. A man claiming to be a Martian comes into an advertising agency. The agent thinks its a gimmick, he thinks the man…
In the radio broadcast service for the Missing Persons Bureau, a strange radio signal cuts in over the normally secure channel. Who could be doing such a thing? Where is…
An odd looking man has come to New York in search of the Martian embassy. He uses the help of a small time detective agency to gather intelligence for him.…