Title: Enemy from Space Plot: In an attempt to start a nuclear war, alien beings kidnap the president and send back a double to take his place. Aware of the…
The trails of the old west are too unsafe for local sheriffs to handle. Sounds like a job for the Lone Ranger. Old blind Barney was the most well known…
The Scarlet Queen has been at sea for 15 days, and approaching a small island that had been used as a staging point during the war, ship master Philip Carney…
In newly formed Western states, there have been fights breaking out, some serious, and some not. In a town meeting an argument is in progress over where the county seat…
In a Western salloon, plans are made for a gang of gunmen to take over the town. Meanwhile, out on the range, Pancho and Cisco are riding into the growing…
Episode 098. In the 28th century, a reclusive man is chosen by a central computer to assassinate the Overlord and take his place. All of society is egging him on, including the Overlord himself, but the computer has ulterior motives.
Travellers in a stage coach talk as they share the ride with Hop Along Cassidy. After he arrives back at the Bar20, Hoppy gets a letter that his female travelling…