Dark Fantasy – The Thing From The Sea. ep3, 411128

"DARK FANTASY" A black and white image of a woman with long hair sitting at a small table. She is holding a book and staring intently at it under a dimly lit lamp. The room is dark and mysterious, with ivy covering the walls and a skull sitting on a shelf in the background.

A movie crew has set out on the Pacific to film a movie about a sea monster that rises from the sea. When nothing has been heard from the crew, or ship, headlines are made. Who can tell what strange creatures lurk beneath the sea, or what might come up at any moment? Flashback to the decks of the Dolphin to relive life from the perspective of the movie stars and film crew.

Dreams of mermaids with Firey unblinking eyes, who want to inhabit human bodies intimidate the young starlet. A helmsman singing an eerie sea chant, seems to invoke monsters from the sea. Or is it a mysterious, hidden continent that has burst from a bank of fog.

The movie director shares some of his research on the lost civilization of the mysterious land that has just appeared from nowhere, and its long-lost kingdom. What discoveries will be made on the continent? Is there any hope for the crew at the hands of the body snatching King and Queen? Will dark forces be unleashed on the world, or can they be stopped?