Out on the streets, our hardboiled detective gets a broken leg that's bad enough to require a stay in a hospital room. While flat on his back, a dame comes…
Recovering, and feeling spry, Fibber is talkative and eager to tell people about his health. Interruptions begin when Alice Darling enters to check on her calls and mail. She hears…
After being cast members on the Rudy Valley show, Bergen and McCarthy have now had their show for a month. What a wierd concept, a ventrilloquist on radio. Charlie cuts…
After being poisoned by mistake, Jimmy Olsen is in serious condition. His only hope is a doctor who is on a ship deep in Japanese waters. Will Superman find the…
Oliver paces the floor nervously, it stems from the love he has for Sally. In flashback, we witness the unfortunate accident that brought Sally to her death. His aunt May…
We join Tom Mix in the middle of an adventure. Tom is set on putting to work as many people as possible. What does he have planned? Troubles are close…
Audio isn't the best, kind of mushy and weak. The show starts in progress with Jack and Mary talking. Frank Black is to play, but his song is snipped. Jack…
It's everything you ever wanted to know about Babe Ruth, that can be squeezed into less than a half hour. Well, maybe not everything, but this will be a special…