Still in Palm Springs, Don brings us that picture of health... that bronzed Adonis... Jack Benny. Tanned and healthy, Jack has to explain a mishap in sunbathing. Even Don has…
Still in Palm Springs, Don rolls the clock back to share a moment of what happened earlier in the week. Rochester joins Jack for a swim. With, or without his…
A health food store worker, and a mountain climber team up. Groucho learns about what exactly health food is from Martha. Why should Groucho bother to eat vitamin rich food?…
Phil and Elliot goe through the mail, with an eye at starting the New Year on the right foot. How did Phil do at keeping his resolutions from last year?…
George talks to Bill Goodwin about his old friend, Al Jolson. Jokes include aging, appearing on other people's shows, and money. Going home from the Brown Derby, George goes home…