Title: The Unseen Watcher Plot: A gambler dreams up a desperate scheme to "off" his bookie in order to escape his huge debts. To fund his addiction, he kills his…
A new case is phoned in, but the home bound Nero Wolfe isn't inclined to leave his easy chair, until he learns it involves the florist, and a shipment of…
An old gent and his daughter are in danger of a foreclosure. Suddenly unexpected help comes through for them, but there's still trouble brewing. In town, Lone Ranger and Tonto…
According to the Jot 'Em Down Journal of February, 1999: Lum decides to open the "Trace em, Chase 'Em, and Lace 'Em Collection Agency." Sister Simpson (Vivian Lasswell again) is…
On the ranch, we find Tom actually doing work as a cowboy, rather than a world travelling detective, and defender of justice. There's trouble with a renegade herd of horses…
Uncle Bill and the pretenders get ready for another story, and welcomes cards and letters for story requests. Let's pile into a jet plane, and take off for a flight…
Though Lum can't afford the $300 bill on the new church piano, he can't help but revel in the praise poured on him from the members of the congregation. Grandpap…
Come right over as the Librarian gets the book off the shelf. An intriguing story of a beautiful woman who was in love with death. Eavesdrop on a train as…
When Connie and Boynton's vacation plans have taken separate tracks, she has decided to put herself on the market to date other men. Connie takes a cab ride home and…