Mary and Jack talk about the movie they've just seen as they window shop. Martha and Emilie, 2 old biddies stand in the distance to gossip about Jack and Mary,…
The much awaited, much anticipated performance of Jack Benny's most famous flop. Though it failed in the box office, this airing of the film was actually more popular than the…
Narrated by Loretta Young. The littlest angel is a 4 year old boy who found himself in eternity, but he has trouble fitting in. Though he tries to participate, he…
The story of the life of a ruthless business woman is recounted when Lucifer, and the Arch-angel Michael argue over who gets to claim her soul. --Find more at, CBS…
With intro provided by Beginning with prophecies, "Behold a virgin shall conceive." The circumstance of the birth of Jesus is recounted. Joseph is working in his carpenter shop, when…
The maiden Mary has been staying in the house of her older relatives, Zechariah and Elizabeth. Her parents Joachim and Anna arrive, and learn the news that their daughter is pregnant, but without being with a man. The news of how the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary has her parents stunned.
Opening with the words prophecied by Isaiah, "For unto us a Son is given..." the narative of this presentation is largley taken from the bible. With a certain amount of…
On a hillside, two shepherds watch their flocks and the night sky. The sheep are uneasy, as is their sheep dog. Her puppy has wandered away, and the sheep seem…
In a battle to win the soul of a real estate investor, an angel and demon take on earthly bodies. The succubus seduces him in the form of his secretary,…