Fibber McGee and Molly – Mcgee’s Mind Plumbers Hardware Store. ep249, 400521

Jim and Mary and Jordan posing for the camera in 1941. The vintage black and white illustration of a couple sitting in a cozy living room. Fibber is holding a newspaper and Molly is knitting. They are both looking at a small dog that is sitting on a rug between them. The room is decorated with a patterned wallpaper, framed pictures, and a vase with flowers on a table in the background."

Billy Mills opens with, Liza.

After the grudge match of checkers last week to solve the fight between Fibber and Gildersleeve, the game seems to drag along. Tempers have toned down, but Gildi refuses to go home until the game is won. Will Molly be able to charm the great man into going home? A phone call from Mr. Plumber calls on Fibber to man his hardware store while he’s out of town. The lull in the action is all it takes to cause Gildie to drift off for a nap. Killer Diller McGee boasts on his prowess as hardware king.

Harlowe Wilcox spends time to hard sell the sponsor.

Molly wonders why they’ve been entrusted to the store, as Fibber begins dealing with customers. Fibber learns how Mirt the phone operator’s sister slipped and fell. Fibber pitches magnetic fly paper, when Mrs. Wilcox enters to soft sell McGee instead.

Abigail Upington enters, sporting a new fur coat. What kind o’s f hardware needs does the snooty dame have? A matter of confusion over Uppy’s bath puts Fibber in an awkward spot. The Kingsman sing, Coming Through the Rye.

The Old Timer enters to pick up some golf balls, and to tell it the way he hear’d it. Teeny pops in to ask about skates. Awake from his nap, Gildersleeve enters with Mr. Plumber to see the mess that was made with Teeny’s skates. Will Fibber be out of a job? Will the unending game of checkers continue?