Mr. and Mrs. North – The Dark Swarthy Man (Partial). ep12, 430317

Antique magnifying glass with handle.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

Out on the town, the Norths stop in for a palm reading by Madam Zora. Pam is more excited over the dark swarthy man who is to enter their lives than Jerry is. Neither will be thrilled when the man turns out to be a dead body. Did he die from the superstitions and curse placed on him by Madam Zora? Bill, the police friend of the Norths reports the crime lab finds of gas. Jerry and Pam work with the cops, but when they find the high-class apartment of Madam Zora, they also find her dead.

With all the key players and suspects dying off, the plot thickens. And just a prime spot for the audio to stop and leave us all wondering just who did murder those people.