Mama Blooms Brewed- Another Engagement. ep26, 1934

Mama Bloom's Brood 1934 (01) New Dresses. Courtesy of the Old-Time Radio Researchers Group.

Sarah Bloom is now married to Sidney, the wedding is over. The honeymoon is underway. Jake and Becky relax at home now that the festivities are over. Did Jake overdo it a little bit? Was he any worse than any of Becky’s relatives?
Jake remarks about how bright his new business partner, Sidney is. Mama remarks about the unexpected generosity of her husband at the wedding. Becky remarks over the shower of wedding gifts.
They look forward to waiting for years before their younger daughter, Yetta is married. Mama had set the bargain she got and buying a new carpet. Will Jake think she got a good deal? How about for the new furniture she purchased?
Jake and Becky pick over the leftover food, when Yetta enters. The discussion of money, bills and overdoing ends up with Yetta announcing her own engagement