Actually an installment of Mystery Playhouse, and introduced by Peter Lorre. A couple attendants are bored with the lack of happenings in the morgue. The story unfolds as they talk…
Returning to the Daily planet affter cracking the big story at Bridger Field, Clark gets his next story in the office of Perry White. Buffalo Hills is a project that…
It's that time of year and the cast are all going on Summer vacation. Fibber is pumped up on getting some of the new high speed, low drag, colorful camping…
Today's show notes are from the Jot 'Em Down Journal of December 1998. Lum’s infatuation with ”Miss Rowena” progresses to the point that he is unable to write up a…
Our husband and wife actors of the program play the parts of Isabell Warner, and Paul Kincade. In the jungles of the Amazon, she hires him to take her to…
In the previous episode or two, Jack had been working with a publicity agent. Join in to review the stunts tha Jak has become part of to boost his ratings.…
Chester and Matt make observations of the activity on the street before heading into the Long Branch Salloon. After an indian uprising, death has folks in Dodge upset, and ready…
Time for outstanding children's theater. Let's ride a railroad handcar to storyland to get things started. Our story today involves a king who had 12 daughters. There's a mystery surrounding…
With young Jimmy Olsen, Clark Kent has been investigating airplane crashes at Bridger Field. As the story continues today, Jimmy has emerged from his hiding place after Superman has made…