Sherlock Holmes – Hound Of The Baskervilles, Part 5. ep43, 410209

A black and white checkered deerstalker hat with ear flaps and a visor.

Even without the preceding installments, you can be sure this radio adaptation of the famous story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Dr Watson recaps how they had been pursuing a roving criminal. Is there actually a curse that involves hounds from Hell? Who is the stranger who was seen lurking? Witchcraft and black magic is all just nonsense… right?
For the sake of the mystery, and the household, Holmes seems agreeable to aiding and abetting the escape of a dangerous criminal. Will there be some crucial developments at dinner? Do the people that Holmes talks about to Watson have any bearing on solving the mystery? More clues relating to Laura Lions seems to underscore that she plays a part in this somehow.